
New User Forum

In cooperation with a new forum for JabRef has just been opened!

You can find it by now in the top navigation bar on or directly here:

The main reasons for introducing the forum are:

  • Foster the communication between the large user base and the developers of JabRef, creation of an active “JabRef community”
  • Provide an easier to use, searchable, more modern way to give feedback and request help
  • Provide a better place for feature and enhancement discussions by a dedicated category for such topics
  • Reduce the number of created issues at the GitHub tracker - only real bugs and work-in-progress feature requests should be handled there

We hope you’ll like the new forum as much as we do and join us at to contribute with your knowledge!

Discontinued support at the mailing list

During the last years we started to move away from (for various reasons): The source code and issues are now managed at GitHub, downloads are handled by FossHub and we are using our own domain for hosting the website and this blog.

However, there is still a mailing list left on sourceforge:

With the new forum we now provide an easy to use platform to ask questions (and hopefully to get answers) from the JabRef community. Thus, we decided to officially discontinue the support on the mailing list. We’ll leave the list open for some time - but the official communication channels for the future will be the GitHub issue tracker (for bugs) and the discourse forum (for all other questions, feature requests and feedback).

For those of you who like to stick with a mailing-list like behavior we provide you a guide on how to use the discourse forum just like a mailing list.

Thanks again to for the great software and especially for providing us free hosting!

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