
JabRef 5.9 Release

JabRef 5.9 Release

Happy New Year to everyone!

We are publishing version 5.9 of JabRef! What a surprise! The decision to release JabRef 5.9 so soon after JabRef 5.8, was taken, because some regressions have been found (and fixed) that seemed to be annoying enough to warrant an early release.

As new feature, we could include the possibility to handle multiline fields as custom fields (#6448). We also increased the performance of journal abbreviation handling (#8928).

These are the most important issues that we fixed:

  • In case a BibTeX entry has double traces in the booktitle (@InCollection), it is displayed again (#9503), (#9475).
  • It is possible to install JabRef on Debian Operating Systems via the .deb file installation method again (#9472).

Even though the last release has been very recent, there have already been other changes, fixes and additions, which might possibly warrant an upgrade. For a complete list of all our changes, take a look at the Changelog.

In the context of past and future releases of JabRef, with version 5.9, we aim to provide a small upgrade and a very stable release with the same look and feeling which you got accustomed to over the course of the 5.x release series, before version 6.0, in all likelyhood, will bring some more changes and new features.

You can get JabRef as free software from FOSShub.

In case you notice any bugs or problems, please browse through our bug tracker and consider submitting a new bug report if nobody else has been reporting the failure before.

Known issues

On macOS JabRef will report damaged or broken image due to beeing not properly notarized. You have to execute xattr -d /Applications/ before the first start.

Special Thanks

Following external contributors contributed to this JabRef release:

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