
JabCon 2022

JabCon 2022

From Friday, September 2 to Monday, September 5, 2022 the annual JabCon took place in Stuttgart, Germany, where the majority of the JabRef maintainers and some members of our non-profit organization JabRef e.V. met in person and worked together to improve JabRef and discuss the roadmap for future releases 🐱💻☕. We are happy to announce that JabRef e.V. now has 25 members who support JabRef’s development in various ways and keep us motivated.

This year we focused on smaller improvements, code quality and bug fixes. Especially we focused on fixes and improvements regarding handling of linked files. The Systematic Literature Review feature also got polished and we improved the usability. In addition, we also focused on one larger feature: the conversion of our old search to the new lucence search which will be part of the upcoming version 6 release in the near future. While code quality does not always have a visible impact on the user, it is an important aspect to improve the maintanability of JabRef.

JabRef e.V. Flag at a wall

We are excited for next year’s JabCon where we have the occasion to celebrate the 20-year jubilee. Yep, we can’t believe it that it’s already that old 😉 - it was founded in 2003 by Morten O. Alver, Nizar N. Batada.

Special Thanks

We want to thank all the users who are constantly testing the latest snapshots and providing feedback! Furthermore, we would like to thank our donators and JabRef e.V. members who made it possible for many JabRef developers to attend the conference and to support our work. In case you like to donate money on a regular basis, we would prefer via our bank account (tax-deductible and no fees) or via GitHub Sponsors as the fees are lower than PayPal.

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