2018 Survey on Feature Usage in JabRef
As we have mentioned in the previous post, the development of JabRef 5.0 is underway. Since this will bring substantial changes to the user interface, we want to make sure that we consider your workflow in JabRef. Therefore, we need to learn how you, the users, use JabRef!
For this we are supported by Martin Simon, a student of Ergonomics - Human Factors Engineering at the Technical University of Munich, who has developed a short questionnaire on the feature usage of JabRef. This study is conducted within the scope of Martin’s Master’s Thesis in collaboration with the JabRef Development Team. It shall provide insights to the current usage of JabRef that should guide the future development of the user interface. Of course, we will also publish the aggregated results here in the blog.
Follow this link to the anonymous online survey.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Linus Dietz linus.dietz@tum.de, who is a JabRef Maintainer and advisor to this thesis. For any general JabRef-related issues such as bug reports please use the issue tracker on Github or ask your question in the forums.